Roadway Safety During the Holidays

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With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, it’s important to talk about roadway safety. Whether you are driving to visit friends house, going out for dinner, or staying close to home and driving to the store, roadway safety is something that everybody should take into consideration.

Over the years, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has remained diligent about providing information on the dangers that are present of the roadways during the holidays. Inevitably, the roadways are busier during the holiday season than any other time of year. Busy roadways play a significant role in increasing the risk of injury from an auto accident.

The NHTSA has indicated that it has increased its efforts on drunk driving prevention and seat belt safety awareness. According to the NHTSA, “The nationwide seat belt use rate was 90.1 percent in 2016” (, 2017). Unfortunately, data from the NHTSA also shows that there were approximately 781 people killed in December 2016 as a result of drunk driving auto accidents, and nearly 4,000 people died from auto accidents that involved drunk drivers.

This year, the NHTSA has begun a campaign title “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” as a way to draw attention to drunk driving. Unfortunately, the holiday season is one of the time of year when the deadliest auto accidents occur in the United States based on the increased amount of alcohol consumption, which often leads to drunk driving.

As Auto Accident Attorneys in California, we understand the difficulty of dealing with the tragedy of losing a loved one or being injured in an auto accident. This is exactly why the personal injury attorneys at One Law Group in Beverly Hills are here to help you seek the necessary compensation to get through these situations.

To learn more about a personal injury case or a wrongful death law suit, call One Law Group in Beverly Hills at 844-626-1Law to schedule a free case evaluation.

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