Employee Burnout Is More Common Than You Realize

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Employee burnout is a new term used today to describe being overworked in the workplace. From long hours to hostile work environments, the stress of work can quickly build-up, which leads to employees feeling stressed and exhausted. With more workers feeling burnout, will be overworked counts as a work-related issue eligible for workers’ compensation?  While some people say yes, others will say it is too hard to prove.

Although work can cause fatigue, worry, exhaustion, and exertion, it would be hard to prove “mental stress” as a workers’ compensation claim. But we now know that there is more than fatigue to employee burnout.

Being overworked can cause physical injury. For example, repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel are common in employees, though more extreme injuries can occur because of fatigue and exhaustion due to being overworked.

Injuries are common when employees are overworked. Workers’ compensation covers damages due to repetitive motion and overuse injuries. Many injuries come with emotional components and physical injuries. Psychological claims may be covered by workers’ compensation, especially mental health problems like anxiety related to the workplace.

However, these claims can be hard to prove since they are less objective than physical injuries. Mental health is essential, and these injuries impact daily lives just as much. Though more people are working from home, most still do not have that option. Essential workers now, more than ever, maybe facing mental duress, physical exertion, and a general sense of being overworked.

Employee burnout is a genuine issue, and being overworked is a threat to your psychological and physical well-being. Whether your injury is physical or has a mental component, we are here to help you with your workers’ compensation claim. Call us today for a consultation at (844) 626-1529.

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