Accidents that result in an injury are often devastating and life-changing. The injuries a person could get in a car accident will often disrupt a person’s life and result in the person needing assistance to do everyday tasks they can no longer do themselves. The victims of an accident who has experienced a substantial amount of disruption to their normal lives should have an experienced lawyer, who is knowledgeable in care and assistance claims. This can ensure that the victim gets every last cent they are entitled to in a settlement. Care and assistance claims can be made in motor vehicle accidents.
There are common laws that dictate whether or not an injured person can receive compensation for paid and unpaid services. This is a claim that is made when friends or family members provide free care services to the injured person. The injured person is entitled to claim an amount equivalent to the commercial cost of domestic and nursing services, whether in the past or future. The injured person doesn’t have to show a personal loss, it rather refers to the cost in the marketplace for the provision of services is examined.
When working out how much a claim for care is worth, you will need to be able to accurately work out how much time has been spent providing the care, what tasks have been completed, and what the proper rate of remuneration for those tasks would be. You will also need to determine the time spent and the tasks carried out by a caregiver and they should be reasonable. An assessment can be made of this and can provide evidence by means of witness statements those who provided the care. You would typically expect the amount of time provided and the amount of care provided to diminish over time, as the claimant recovers. Once you get an estimate of the time spent providing care, you should be able to start working out the financial cost.
The general idea of compensation for personal injury is that you are compensated for the expenses acquired as an outcome of your accident. In claims for care, this would usually be the costs you pay out to somebody to take care of you, such as an in-home nurse to look after you. When you are cared for by a friend or family member, it is very unlikely that they will be sending you detailed invoices, or to be charging you the same rate a private care provider would demand. In order to find out what the claim would be worth, we must use the starting point the cost that would have been experienced had you hired specialists to provide the care, and then make a reduction to take account of the fact that the care was being provided on a non-commercial source.
With support from One Law Group in Beverly Hills, you will be able to receive the best advice on what steps you need to take after an accident to protect your rights and prepare you for a legal battle. At One Law Group, we know getting into an accident is an unexpected event which can bring a lot of stress into your life. We’re here to take some of that stress away from you. Call us today at (844) 626-1529.