Are You Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel?

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Do you often feel drowsy while driving? It may be for reasons like getting up early, irregular sleeping patterns, being overburdened with household stuff without any rest, prescriptions, office work, and more. Your lifestyle may be the most significant factor affecting you in every way possible. Now imagine driving, and then you suddenly start feeling drowsy! How scary is it? Anyone can fall asleep during the day or night; it depends on the personal habits of the person driving the vehicle. Nobody purposely wants to put their or others’ lives at risk. However, drivers don’t crash intentionally; it happens but remember that humans are at fault no matter what. Usually, it is hard to determine if the crashes happen due to drowsy driving. But can understand it based on the hospital reports of fatalities or injuries. So, when you are behind the wheel, you must always take utmost precautions as you are risking your life and others.

Certain factors can be associated with drowsy driving. Some of them are –

  • The crashes are more common from 12:00 am to 6:00 am or in the late afternoon. The human body experiences a dip at both times of the day and requires some rest.
  • There is only one driver (no passenger) running off the road at high speed with no evidence of braking.
  • It is frequent on highways and rural roads.

You can save yourself from drowsy driving by following some of these tips –

Sleep – It is essential to get adequate sleep every day without fail. If you don’t want to fall asleep, make sure to sleep at least seven to eight hours. Have a good sleep that will make you feel fresh the following day. If you and your family are going on a road trip, it is better to have a good sleep before so that you are fresh and don’t feel tired while driving for an extended period. If you don’t get adequate sleep, you will risk your and your family members’ lives.

Ask teens to delay driving – Teens do not get enough sleep when their biological pattern of sleep increases. So, it is suggested to ask them to slow down, delay their driving, and take adequate sleep or rest before heading out on the road.

No alcohol – It is strictly prohibited to consume alcohol before driving. It triggers drowsiness, further putting you at risk.

Prescriptions – Always read their labels if you take prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. It is essential to read through the ingredients and side effects section and know when to take it. However, if your prescriptions make you drowsy, avoid driving and taking public transport for safety.

Avoid peak sleepiness periods – If possible, it is better to avoid driving from 12:00 am to 6:00 am, as they are peak periods. However, if you are driving, try to stay focused and follow your lane and the road lines to check if you are going safely.

Short naps – If you are too sleepy on the road and find driving challenging, try to park on the shoulder for a quick nap.

Coffee or energy drinks – You may consume coffee during your drive to stay awake, or maybe a few energy drinks that help you, particularly during your journey.

However, if you’ve been a victim or part of a crash due to drowsy driving, you may reach out to us at (844) 626-1529. Our experienced attorneys can help you navigate the process and work in your best interests to provide you with maximum compensation. Get started by scheduling an appointment today.

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